Digital Certificates & Badgesarrow

Empowering Learners with Digital Credentials & Badges

BrainCert empowers you to go beyond traditional course completion – we offer a powerful suite of Digital Certificates & Badges to recognize learner achievements and showcase valuable skills.

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BrainCert CRM

Effortless Certificate Creation with Drag-and-Drop Designer

Our drag-and-drop certificate designer tool allows you to create stunning digital certificates with ease. Choose from a variety of templates, customize them to fit your brand, and add elements like logos, signatures, and custom text. The intuitive interface ensures that even users with no design experience can create beautiful certificates that reflect their institution's prestige and quality.


Boost Learner Engagement & Motivation

Reward learners automatically as they progress through their learning journey. The act of earning badges and certificates provides a sense of accomplishment, encouraging learners to strive for mastery and complete their training programs. BrainCert's gamification features seamlessly integrate with digital credentials, further enhancing learner engagement.


Reward Course Completion with Digital Certificates

Celebrate your learners' accomplishments by awarding digital certificates for course completion. Upon finishing a course, students can receive a professionally designed certificate that acknowledges their hard work and dedication. By providing certificates, you motivate learners to complete courses and recognize their achievements in a meaningful way.


Validate Skills with Test Passing Certificates

Beyond course completion, you can also award digital certificates to students who pass assessments. Our platform makes it simple to set criteria for certificate awards based on test performance, ensuring that learners receive the recognition they deserve for their academic efforts and achievements.


Core Features

All the tools and features you need to create & sell online courses.

  • Online MOOC Platform
  • Course Creation Wizard
  • Public & Private Courses
  • Custom Course Theme
  • Course 
  • Intuitive Course Player
  • Course Assignments
  • Unified Content Management
  • Drag-and-drop Course Designer
  • Learning 
  • Traversal & Completion Rules
  • Award Digital Certificates
  • Secure 
    Video CDN
  • Tests & 
  • Drip Feed 
  • Upsell 
  • Course 
  • Note 
  • Audio/Video Autoplay
  • Bypass Payment Gateway
  • Adaptive Shopping Cart
  • Enable Free Preview
  • Fully 
  • Coupon 
  • Blended Courses
  • Clone courses
  • Lecture Completion Rules
  • Bulk student enrollments
  • Communities & Discussions
  • Course Bundles


Don’t just take it from us

testimonial quote

BrainCert solved our problems we faced to continue our classes, conduct exams, and monitor our student activities. Student attendance report in a virtual classroom; assignments in LMS helped us to track student strength and weakness, gamification a significant feature we used to build the competition between students to improve learning pace.

Abinaya K.
Assistant Professor
testimonial quote

I am a big fan of the extend of customization possible in BrainCert LMS. The platform lets us easily set learning paths for our learners, track strengths & weaknesses, and measure learning outcome. Also, the built-in virtual classroom platform with recording features was an added advantage for us.

Khan N.
Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
testimonial quote

BrainCert platform has great features including the ability to offer courses, rather than simply host videos. Content is easily uploaded and organized. The price is reasonable. BrainCert has allowed me to offer the I-75 CPA Review Course which is fast becoming a disruptive force in the CPA Review Industry. Very important, BrainCert listened to me when I told them that I needed a speed up button for video playback. This is something that my students asked for and BrainCert responded! BrainCert shares the philosophy of continuous improvement in real time. I highly recommend BrainCert!

Darius C.

Get Started

Design Amazing Courses

Transform Expertise into Revenue with Unforgettable Learning Journeys. Harness your skills to build courses that not only educate but also inspire, turning your knowledge into a profitable venture.



Turn expertise into engaging online courses.



Creatively blend text, video, audio, and more.



Track progress with diverse evaluation tools.



Maximize revenue with streamlined course sales.